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Question yourself and be surprised

You will be left muffled when you ask  yourself the question why am I doing what I am doing.Try this yourself at each stage of life  and you will be filled with wonder.
And if you don't get any answers then you better sneak out from what you are indulging in.

Learning something and pursuing any course just because of the thought 'what will Mr. Sharma and his complete family think?'.Opt out.
There is no surity of success on walking the path someone else has shown.Discover on your own.Commit your own mistakes and then fill yourself with pride when you find answers and reach your aim after the process of trial and error.

Spending lavishly regularly on things equivalent to a  Starbucks coffee when you know the real price it should hold .Without any prior thought letting money ooze out just to show you can afford .Opt out.
Yes,we earn to spend but unnecessary expenditure is a thing of momentary pleasure.Inculcate the habit of giving whether or not you have extra on your platter.

Trying to be one among the group ?Faking yourself to get acceptance ?That too when everyone is already masked here and waiting for their respective person to unmask. Opt out.
You never know what are you hiding beneath the mask.let everyone know who you are and you will shine.

If you are the only one who is spinning the threads of relationship even after lots and lots of negotiations ;forgave again and again.
Opt out.
"Experience is a hard teacher.she gives the test first and lessons later".

Not comfortable in your skin?Too fat,too thin,too dark ,too short.spending hours in front of the mirror,cursing.opt out.
Enough !Relish your own company. Love yourself. You need to be your own anchor.There is a reason why we were taught " God helps those who helps themselves".

Above all buy yourself some me-time.many a times in this chaotic schedule preoccupied with WhatsApp mesagging ,hiking,Facebooking and similar stuff, we forget our true worth.
